27.01. Day of Remembrance of the Shoa

Day of Remembrance of the Shoa

Today at the 27th of January it is the International Day of Remembrance of the victims and survivors of the Shoa. At the 27 th of January 1945 the People in the concentration camp of Auschwitz were liberated. Over years jewish people, Sinti*ze and Rom*nja, disabled and queer people were imprisoned, tortured and killed in masses in this and other concentration camps. The oppression of this people did not end after the so called „denazification“. After that is was still german fascists having the powerful positions in society.

The groups of people which have been persecuted by the german fascism than, are still systematically being oppressed, attacked and murdered. Networks of fascists are getting stronger and we can see them in politics and in the executives. There has never been a complete reprocessing of this crime.

Today it’s still big german companies making profit of the Nazi inheritance. Detailed analysis of this you can find e.g. from Moshtari @mooshtariii and Sinthujan @varathas. You can also see increasing right power on the streets and antisemitic conspiracy myths are deeply grounded in society.

Quoting Esther Bejarano: „We mustn’t stay silent and can never let something like this happen again: Never again!“

For this reasons we believe that the fight against fascism is not finished yet, but has to be continued every single day. We have to fight antisemitism, racism, homo- and transphobia, ableism and other forms of discriminations, which are grounded in a reactionary point of view.

Our goal to create new open spaces is also a try to create a space which is aware of discrimination, so that more people can feel safer there. Reflecting on that we have to admit that all those discriminations are a structural part of society and spaces without discriminations are a what we demand. Following this demand means we have to work together and learn from each other.

This is why we want to remember all the persecutees of the Shoa and learn from them what antifascism nowadays should look like.



