RSE Open Space for Oldenburg We introduce ourselves! Create an Oldenburg for everyone!

We introduce ourselves!

Moin, we appeared in Oldenburg a few weeks ago and would briefly like to introduce ourselves:

We are a group that deals with the topic of open spaces in Oldenburg and would like to approach to the topic theoretically and practically. That’s why we start organizing events with inputs, music, workshops and a small street festival. The date we already set is January 27-29, 2023. Time and location are about to be announced soon.

If you have a program, please feel free to contact us. We always try to share our content in German and English as good as we can. You can find us on all common social media platforms and on our website. We are looking forward to the coming weeks!


Instagram/Twitter/Mastedon: @freiraum_rse



Mail: (PGP Key on the Website)